
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Mini Haul

Hello my little lushies,

Yes... One big fat major uh-oh.

I was doing so well trying to keep the last of my money in my bank behind to pay off some more of my girls holiday to Malia in the summer but then... I went to Topshop and Tesco's. If any of you are like me then you won't be able to walk in to either of the stores without buying at least one thing. Although it was probably a good thing I was near enough skint or A LOT more money would have been spent and this teeny tiny haul wouldn't be as teeny tiny. 

I shall post some OOTD's using these items soon and I'll be reviewing all of the products once I've had time to test them all out so I won't say too much about them now. Just give you a sneak peak, so watch this space!

I could not believe it when I seen these 'block check' leggings for only £25, (£22.50 with my student discount). I'd seen some Cigarette style trousers very similar in Tosphop that I'd had my eye on for a while but I just couldn't justify spending approximatly £45 for them knowing I'd only have them on a few times, so these seemed like the perfect alternative. They'll be perfect for a night out on the town or dressed down with a pair of converse to wear to college.

Secondly I bought some 'Disco Treggings' , the cheaper Topshop alternative to American Apparel Disco Pants, £30. I don't think anything will match completely to the American Apparel originals but these are the closest I've seen. To look at I thought I'd need a bigger size than normal but after taking a size 12 to the changing rooms and wondering back out twice to get a 10 and then an 8 I realised they do fit the same as normal bottoms from there. They just keep you sucked in a bit more once you've got them on.

After Topshop I then took a little wonder in to Tesco. I don't normally look at their makeup section as I tend to get my Make-up from Boots or Superdrug generally but their 2 for 1 Rimmel offer caught my eye and I ended up leaving with 2 foundations plus a lipstick. I'm a bit of a pain when it comes to foundation even  if I find an amazing one that I love after a few months I like to try something else to see what other products are on the market that I like. I'm yet to try any of the products but I'm eager to try them and post some reviews for you all.

Any-one got any recommendations on which one I should try first?


  1. Thanks for stopping by sweety! I heartly appreciate (: Amazing post! Are we already following yet? If not then let's follow via gfc and some other sites! Let me know! Stop by me again soon!xx

    Kisses ♥

  2. I think I have this lipstick, is it Funtime Fuchsia?
    If so, you won't be disappointed! I love it, it's a gorgeous shimmery deep pink colour and really nice on!
    Love your blog by the way!

    Sophie x

    1. I'd like to know!
      Looks like such a nice shade of lipstick
      UK High Street Fashion & Style

    2. Yes it is the Funtime Fuchia! Xx

  3. Lovely post + pictures! Great blog you have here. I'm your newest follower :) Would you mind checking out our blog & following back via GFC and Bloglovin'? Looking forward to your next post! xx

  4. I love the lipstick! It looks like my sort of colour for sure. Great blog now following xxx
    Tia xxx

  5. Amazing blog <3

    If you have time, please, check my blog

  6. Really beautiful blog - love the makeup haul. I need to do one myself! Perhaps we could follow each other?

    xo Lulu

  7. Looooove the lipstick!


  8. Great stuff and thank you for visiting

  9. Nice post!
    BTW thanks for your visit and kind comment on my blog! Would you like to follow each other?? ;-)

  10. Thanks for peeping over at my blog gorgeous- loving yours!
    That lipstick colour looks divine :}

    Want to follow each other on GFC and bloglovin?

  11. That lipstick shade is hott xx
